CAST Activity
Introduction :
It is a need of the day to popularize Astronomy and Space science in place like Marathwada region. No such type of center exists in this region at present. The weather condition at Nanded is feasible for setting up an observatory for research as well as observation. This center plays vital role in promoting amateur astronomers for their observations and development of scientific temper among common people. Nanded is comparatively a remote place in the interiors of Maharashtra. It is located in Marathwada region which is under developing region of Maharashtra. The existing natural parameters and lack of political desire is solely responsible for the backwardness of Marathwada in sundry spheres of life. But we being responsible part of the society, should try hard to overcome the shortfalls and keep this region in pace with the developed part of the world. The present proposal is being forwarded with this thought. The center has been established with this thought and named as Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Center for Astronomy and Space Technology (CAST).
During International Astronomy Year 2009 MGM’s CAST Center participated in seven International events and won second prize in ‘Most complete Astronomy club, group, or society member participation’ category of “100 Hours of Astronomy” event. 2308 Centers of 105 countries around the globe had participated in this event.
The pivotal objectives of CAST are
- To provide a Center for excellence for teaching, research and development in Astronomy and Space Technology.
- To organize School & University level orientation courses / workshops in Astronomy & Space Technology
- To undertake advanced level research in current topics as well as programs for science popularization.
- To encourage & undertake collaborative research programs with scientists in India and abroad